Insurance adjusters have several tricks up their sleeves in order to minimize a settlement payout or to get a victim to drop his/her claim. In this post, I’ll shed light on three of their most common, and sadly most effective, methods. Passing the Buck If the auto accident involved multiple parties, adjusters will tell a…

In a previous post, we defined negligent entrustment and gave some examples of situations when this legal term would come into play. In this article, we will finish the series by providing more examples and discussing how negligent entrustment can affect your personal injury case. Recap: What is Negligent Entrustment? The legal definition is: The…

Being a victim of some else’s negligence is bad enough. If this has happened to you, it’s imperative that you don’t compound your problem by handling the aftermath alone. Here are the top reasons why you need help in these rough situations. A Full-Time Endeavor Even though car accident personal injury insurance claims make up…

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