Attorney Joe Mitchell specializes in  representing victims of motorcycle accident cases
motorbike accident on the city street

According to our state’s DMV, the number of licensed motorcyclists in Pennsylvania has risen from 772,000 in 2005 to 861,000 in 2014. And during these summer months, many motorcyclists are taking to the road for joy rides. State law says motorcycles are subject to all the rights and duties associated with driving other vehicles, but there are also special considerations motorcyclists need to follow. So in this article, we examine some of these considerations and how they may affect an accident case.

Eye Protection Is Required By Law

Under state law, motorcycle operators are required to wear a helmet and protective eye goggles for the first two years of their license. The state has a list of approved eyewear and strongly suggests that operators wear shatterproof goggles.

This is important because sufficient eye protection will enable the operator to see clearly. Insufficient eyewear or if the operator is not wearing any leaves him or her susceptible to the rain, bugs, and other airborne debris, which could help cause an accident.

Lane Splitting Is Not Legal

Lane splitting occurs when motorcycles are driven between two lanes of traffic. PA Vehicle Code 3523 (b), (c) prohibits it. However, many operators still do it, especially in stop-and-go traffic.

This can be a distracting and even dangerous practice. The operator will eventually have to swerve into a lane, which may cause the car right behind to brake suddenly. It also can be a distraction, as drivers of other vehicles may be surprised by the sudden appearance of a motorcyclist beside him or her.

Motorcyclists Need a Special License

Motorcycle operators in Pennsylvania need a Class M license. This is important accident knowledge because any accident involving a motorcyclist who does not have the proper license can affect the at-fault judgment of the authorities.

For More Information

My free book, The  Pennsylvania Car Accident Playbook is the definitive guide on how to handle a car accident. Plus, I also offer a free  In Case of an Accident  brochure, which can fit nicely into your vehicle’s glove box. It gives you all the cues you need to properly handle a car or motorcylce accident when it happens. Call my office or email me at with your address and I will send you a free copy.

Our promise is to deliver outstanding customer service and our motto is: More Service than You Would Expect.

Joe Mitchell: Harvard Educated, Street Smart. Philadelphia Accident Attorney

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