If you endured an auto accident in 2014, this New Year should be a time of hope and

Philadelphia Auto Accident Attorney Joe Mitchell wishes you a happy 2015
By working with us, Philadelphia-area accident victims can have a successful year of recovery in 2015.

recovery. But all too often, accident victims let important details slip through the cracks. So in this post, we want to reaffirm some best practices for accident victims. These resolutions will not only help maximize your compensation after the accident, but they will also help make your recovery smoother and more organized.

Resolution #1: I Will Value My Health

Many accident victims don’t even know they are victims. They may feel slight pains here and there. They may have neck stiffness that wasn’t there before. They may even have new stress headaches and back pains. But the majority of victims either refuse to acknowledge their injuries or believe they don’t have the time to get checked out.

If you were in an accident last year, you need to make 2015 the year where you prioritize your health. Go to a reputable doctor immediately. Document your aches and pains in a journal. And most of all: document the days where your pains prohibited you from going into work. Your health should be your utmost concern. This year, make some time to protect it.

Resolution #2: I Will Get Help When I Need It

Understandably, most accident victims want to get to the recovery as soon as possible. But sometimes, their haste can lead to mistakes, such as trying to handle the insurance companies alone. This usually leads to the victim agreeing to receive less compensation than he or she may deserve. Insurance companies have a wealth of experience and resources aimed at minimizing their payout, whereas the victim only has his or her own resources.

This is where accident lawyers are most valuable. We bring the experience and knowledge necessary to keep the insurance companies honest. So make 2015 the year when you reach out for help when you need it by hiring an accident lawyer to help expedite and maximize your recovery.

Resolution #3: I Will Prioritize Safety When I Drive

One accident is bad enough. Even if it was not your fault, getting in a car accident is a traumatic event that takes a long time to recover from. One of the worst things that can happen to a victim is that they get into another accident while their first accident case is still open. This not only adds to the pain, suffering, and long road to recovery, but it also gives the insurance company even more reason to minimize your first claim.

2015 needs to be the year of safe driving for you. Give yourself plenty of time to get to your destination. Take extra precautions in cold, wintery weather. Do not look at your phone at all, for any reason, while driving. Be careful and respectful of other drivers. And please do not drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Philadelphia Accident Attorney Services for You

My office is here to help Philadelphia-area residents who have been hurt by some else’s negligence. We can sort through the events together and figure out the best way for you to recover all the compensation you deserve after your accident.

Our promise is to deliver outstanding customer service and our motto is: More Service than You Would Expect.

Joe Mitchell: Harvard Educated, Street Smart. Philadelphia Accident Attorney

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