The following article is an excerpt from my forthcoming book, The Pennsylvania Car Accident Playbook.

Regardless of the severity, a car accident is a jarring experience. To make matters worse, most people never consider how to handle a car accident until it’s too late. In the following section, I’ve answered a number of questions about what to do following an accident. Hopefully, you’ll never have to apply any of the information that I’ve included in this book, but with an understanding of the following section you should be well prepared just in case you do.

I’ve just been in a car accident, what do I do right now?

Ensure Safety:

  • Check for injuries. Before doing anything else, check to see if anyone requires immediate medical attention. When in doubt, call 911.
  • If your accident was a minor one and your car is still operable, turn your blinkers on and move your vehicle to the side of the road. It’s always important to warn other drivers of an accident scene, it could save a life.
  • Once you’ve secured the safety of the scene, call the police. For minor accidents, you won’t always be able to get an officer to the scene, but it’s always best to report the accident, even if it’s over the phone.

Car Accident Victim

Exchange information:

the following information with the other driver or drivers involved in the accident:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone Number
  • Insurance Company
  • Policy Number
  • License Plate Number
  • Driver’s License Number

Collect and preserve evidence:

  • Note the make, model, year and color of the vehicles involved.
  • Document what happened. Write down (or even dictate into a cell phone recorder or answering machine) a detailed statement of how the accident occurred. Be sure to include the date, time and location of the accident. Also note the weather and road conditions.
  • Take pictures. Photograph the license plates of the other car or cars, all of the damage to the vehicles, the road conditions and the location of the accident. Take pictures of any injuries to you or your passengers. Take pictures liberally, it’s better to have too many than too few!

File an accident report and notify your insurance company:

  • If you’ve gotten a police officer to the scene of your accident, then you’ve likely filled out a report. If not, find a nearby police station so you can fill out an informal report. A good police report can be invaluable in your claims process.
  • Call your insurance company as soon as you can to notify them of your accident.

Get medical attention for minor injuries:

  • If you’ve sustained minor injuries that didn’t require an ambulance immediately, get to an emergency room at this point. The sooner you get medical attention, even for minor injuries, the better.

I have created a comprehensive form for you to keep in your glove compartment. Instructions are included at the end of this book. If you go to, you can print it out and keep it handy so you don’t have to rely on memory during the stress of a car accident.

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