In a previous post, we talked about how a driver’s cell phone use can lead to big trouble. In this post, we will broaden the conversation to include the entire topic of distracted driving. Why? Because this bad habit is leading to accidents, injuries, and fatalities both in Philadelphia and around the country. And we want to take every opportunity to remind our readers and clients that 100% of their attention should be on driving when they’re behind the wheel.

Three Main Categories of Distracted Driving

Cognitive Mental distractions such as talking to another passenger, playing with the radio, and daydreaming.

Manual A distraction that causes the driver to take one or both hands off the wheel. Examples include: eating, drinking, or searching a purse/wallet.

Visual Distractions that cause a driver to look at anything other than the road. Examples include: adjusting a GPS device, portable DVD/entertainment system, or even a child’s car seat.

What about Texting?

Texting is arguably the most dangerous distraction because it covers all three categories.

Tips to Avoid Common Distractions

  • Turn off your phone. If you need to be reachable, make sure you own and know how to operate a hands-free communication device.
  • Prioritize the safety of your children or pets by securing them BEFORE you begin your trip.
  • Stop to eat. Is saving 5 minutes worth the risk of a major accident?
  • Program all entertainment and navigation systems before you leave. And if a problem arises during the trip, ask your passenger for help or pull over.

The Legal Side of Distracted Driving

Courts are considering distracted driving in personal injury cases more and more. You need to speak up if you’ve been in a car accident and you suspect the other driver was distracted at the time of impact.

If they admit to being distracted, it will be easier for your attorney to maximize your recovery. Even if the other party denies it, this information should go on the record. From my experience with distracted driving cases in Philadelphia, I can say that there several ways to determine if the other driver was on the phone and what he/she was doing.


Remember: car accidents can happen any time. We shouldn’t increase the risk by engaging in distracted behavior while we’re behind the wheel. Furthermore, you could be subject to enhanced criminal and civil penalties if your distracted driving leads to an accident.

If you live in the Philadelphia area and have been injured in a car accident through no fault of your own, our law firm can help make sure you’re compensated to the maximum extent of the law. We’ll analyze every angle including whether or not the other party was distracted and make sure you receive your deserved compensation.

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