Need legal help after a car accident? Joseph S. Mitchell III has the experience and knowledge to get victims the compensation they deserve.

Joseph S. Mitchell III, Esq. is an accident lawyer Philadelphia PA who knows how to handle the complexities of the law in his home state and offers free initial consultations to anyone who has been, or who has had a loved one, injured in a car accident they did not cause.

Because Pennsylvania is a Choice No Fault state most motorists and passengers are covered by No Fault insurance and, for minor injuries, do not have the right to sue. Unlike some other No Fault states, Pennsylvania does not have an explicit definition of injuries serious enough to allow a victim to bypass the No Fault system and seek compensation. Pennsylvania is also a modified comparative negligence state – so any damages awarded are lowered by the amount the victim is considered responsible for the accident.

Finally, Pennsylvania has a particularly tight statute of limitations on personal injury cases – only two years. This means that calling a lawyer immediately after the accident is important. They will be able to help determine, based on precedent, whether the injuries incurred are serious enough to seek damages, and whether a court is likely to rule in the victim’s favor. Most cases do settle out of court – but it’s worth remembering that even out of court settlements are adjusted by comparative fault.

Joseph S. Mitchel III, Esq. can help. He has particular knowledge about cases involving uninsured motorists, distracted driving or DUI. He will help get the evidence a victim needs and deal with the insurance companies involved so that a victim gets the compensation they deserve. Accident victims should call him today for a free consultation.

Law Offices of Joseph Mitchell
2 Penn Center, Suite 1700
Philadelphia, PA 19102
(267) 627-4JOE (267-627-4563)

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