When Limited Tort is Full Tort Many drivers in Pennsylvania elect the Limited Tort option when purchasing car insurance due to its lower cost. Why pay more for full tort you might reason, if you have a record of safe driving and have never been in an accident. The problem that may arise, in…

The vast majority of personal injury cases never see the inside of a courtroom. Instead, most are settled during the litigation process that comes before a trial. So in this post, we’ll examine all the different aspects of an auto accident injury case settlement. What is a Settlement? It is a legal agreement between the…

There’s no denying the rising popularity of bicycle commuting around the Philadelphia area. Take a look at some of these statistics from the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia: Overall, bicycle commuting in Greater Philadelphia grew 260% from 2005 to 2013. Of the top ten most populated cities in the U.S., Philadelphia has the 2nd highest…

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