Figuring out how to proceed after an accident involving SEPTA services such as buses or trains can often be a complicated process. Due to the communal nature of public transportation, SEPTA damage awards are often split among the group of injured passengers when another driver is responsible for the accident ignoring the following will only…

Many accident victims in Philadelphia and nationwide are tempted to avoid hiring lawyers and represent themselves when dealing with their personal injury cases. It makes sense: why pay a legal fee if you don’t have to. In this article, we will explain when this is a smart move and when accident victims should look for…

The vast majority of personal injury cases never see the inside of a courtroom. Instead, most are settled during the litigation process that comes before a trial. So in this post, we’ll examine all the different aspects of an auto accident injury case settlement. What is a Settlement? It is a legal agreement between the…

If you endured an auto accident in 2014, this New Year should be a time of hope and recovery. But all too often, accident victims let important details slip through the cracks. So in this post, we want to reaffirm some best practices for accident victims. These resolutions will not only help maximize your compensation…

With the holiday season in full swing, many people’s nerves are on edge. People are in a rush to get shopping done, overcome bad weather to get to work, or running late to attend holiday events. As a result of this rush, road rage occurs in the form of speeding, tailgating, and/or dangerous passing. In…

Victims of an injury suffered on the road or behind the wheel would be wise to ensure they have a complete understanding of their legal rights. The services of the best accident lawyers in Philadelphia PA can be of great benefit. Seeking financial compensation can be a difficult undertaking for victims of accidents who lack…

During an initial consultation with a prospective client, one of the first questions I ask is, When did you first realize you were injured? It’s a meaningful question. First, I am genuinely concerned for your welfare. No one should have to suffer because of someone else’s negligence. But in terms of a potential legal case,…

In my 20-plus years as a Philadelphia Accident Attorney, these are the top ways the not-at-fault party has hurt their own case and minimized their ability to receive a fair settlement. Lie to the Insurance Company Perhaps the best evidence at a victim’s disposal is his or her word about what happened. If he or…

Many people skip calling a lawyer because they worry about cost and receiving false promises. My initial consultations break these perceptions. They are free and honest. And in all of my successful cases as a Philadelphia lawyer, the initial consultation with my future client proved vital. So in this post, I want to describe what…

The term personal injury is used in the legal industry. It is defined as an injury to the body, emotions or mind, and not injury to physical property. In most American jurisdictions, this is commonly seen in tort lawsuits. These often allege that injury of a plaintiff was the result of negligence by another. It…

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