The following article is an excerpt from my forthcoming book, The Pennsylvania Car Accident Playbook. Regardless of the severity, a car accident is a jarring experience. To make matters worse, most people never consider how to handle a car accident until it’s too late. In the following section, I’ve answered a number of questions about…

In a previous post, we talked about how a driver’s cell phone use can lead to big trouble. In this post, we will broaden the conversation to include the entire topic of distracted driving. Why? Because this bad habit is leading to accidents, injuries, and fatalities both in Philadelphia and around the country. And we…

We spend a lot of time on this blog talking about the legal aspects of Philadelphia area car accidents. And when someone hears the words car accident, it is easy to envision two cars smashed together. But several hundred times throughout the year, a different kind of car accident occurs. Bicyclists have less protection (no…

The Philadelphia area is getting hit hard this winter. From heavy rains and flooding to thick snow and ice, we’re enduring tough weather obstacles on a regular basis. When facing conditions like this, it is important to employ safe driving practices. Now, I could go down the list of specific do’s and don’ts, but they…

Many families in the Philadelphia area are finding it hard these days to afford one car, much less multiple vehicles. If you’re a one-car family, you should know that there are important legal ramifications to sharing the vehicle with others. In this post, I will highlight some of the most important legal aspects of negligent…

In a previous post, I talked about the new law in Philadelphia that says police are not required to arrive at a car accident scene unless there is an immediate medical need. I’ve also talked about the importance of initiating a police report as one of the major tasks to perform after an accident. Today,…

Lots of people have trouble keeping track of bill stubs, receipts, and/or insurance statements on a regular basis. It only gets harder after an auto accident and the bills start to pour in. But in my twenty plus years as an accident attorney in Philadelphia, I’ve found that clients who keep organized records have a…

It’s not breaking news to say cell phones and driving don’t mix. States all over the country including Pennsylvania are moving to prohibit talking and/or texting while driving for good reason. The devices distract drivers and make dangerous accidents much more probable. But in addition to the dangers to the driver and the surrounding cars,…

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