I wanted to talk to you today about car accidents and what happens if you don’t go to the doctor right away. So you’ve had a car accident and you feel like you’re hurting, but you just don’t feel like it’s bad enough that you have to go to the hospital and you have to…

  When Limited Tort is Full Tort Many drivers in Pennsylvania elect the Limited Tort option when purchasing car insurance due to its lower cost. Why pay more for full tort you might reason, if you have a record of safe driving and have never been in an accident. The problem that may arise, in…

With all of the recent tragic incidents involving the police and the public, many people have asked me: What are my rights when a cop pulls me over? I believe police need to protect themselves because they put their lives on the line every day. That being said, Philadelphia residents and everyone in this country…

According to our state’s DMV, the number of licensed motorcyclists in Pennsylvania has risen from 772,000 in 2005 to 861,000 in 2014. And during these summer months, many motorcyclists are taking to the road for joy rides. State law says motorcycles are subject to all the rights and duties associated with driving other vehicles, but…

Figuring out how to proceed after an accident involving SEPTA services such as buses or trains can often be a complicated process. Due to the communal nature of public transportation, SEPTA damage awards are often split among the group of injured passengers when another driver is responsible for the accident ignoring the following will only…

The vast majority of personal injury cases never see the inside of a courtroom. Instead, most are settled during the litigation process that comes before a trial. So in this post, we’ll examine all the different aspects of an auto accident injury case settlement. What is a Settlement? It is a legal agreement between the…

There’s no denying the rising popularity of bicycle commuting around the Philadelphia area. Take a look at some of these statistics from the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia: Overall, bicycle commuting in Greater Philadelphia grew 260% from 2005 to 2013. Of the top ten most populated cities in the U.S., Philadelphia has the 2nd highest…

If you endured an auto accident in 2014, this New Year should be a time of hope and recovery. But all too often, accident victims let important details slip through the cracks. So in this post, we want to reaffirm some best practices for accident victims. These resolutions will not only help maximize your compensation…

During an initial consultation with a prospective client, one of the first questions I ask is, When did you first realize you were injured? It’s a meaningful question. First, I am genuinely concerned for your welfare. No one should have to suffer because of someone else’s negligence. But in terms of a potential legal case,…

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